Sophie Vermeille, the quest for general interest

Even when it means defending counter-intuitive positions – when they are not frankly unpopular – Sophie Vermeille knows how to do it brilliantly.

As a researcher and lawyer, Sophie has been berated for her heterodox ideas, which she may have acquired through her wandering into the shady worlds of the economics of distressed companies and short selling. Whatever; it’s in the ordeal that one forges one’s convictions.

It must be admitted that it was not easy to present investment funds named Muddy Waters or Kynikos Associates as white knights of finance. Yet, she argues, it is from the muddy waters of fundamental analysis, lying in wait for their prey, that short sellers would protect the markets from the vices that eat away at them.

Away from the trading floor, it is proclaimed that finance or corporate governance will be nothing more than tools for the common good. The Washington consensus is dead, long live the Paris consensus! Far from it, tempers Sophie: in the vein of L. Bebchuk, she reminds us of the potential damage of unbridled stakeholder governance.

Sophie has put the bit between her teeth to temper the heralds’ ardor for the impact of public opinion and to defend the actions of financial freebooters with all her might. Not without panache.


>>> The interview can be listened here