

Droit & Croissance / Rules for Growth Institute is a think tank whose ambition is to influence public powers with a view to improving legal rules and, in particular, to sensitize law makers to the assessment of the economic consequences of pieces of legislation. This preoccupation is based on “the economic analysis of law”, an understudied discipline in the academic teaching of law. The Rules for Growth Institute aims to serve the public interest in a non-partisan way. Its Ethics Committee, chaired by Bernard DESOLNEUX and composed of Jacques DELPLA, Isabelle ROUX-CHENU, Thomas PHILIPPON and Delphine D’AMARZIT, aims to enforce the Rules for Growth Institute Code of Ethics which implies principles and practices of good conduct.


In order to disseminate its reflections vis-à-vis public powers, Droit & Croissance publishes its research and replies to public consultations in specialized journals in France. In order to disseminate its analyses beyond the French borders, scientific publications by the Rules for Growth Institute are available free of charge in English on the Social Science Research Network platform.

The Rules for Growth Institute is also mindful that its research work is known by the public. For this purpose, we contribute to numerous forums and articles in the mainstream press (Le Figaro, La Tribune, L’Opinion, L’AGEFI, La Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires, Les Echos, etc.).


Since its creation, the Rules for Growth Institute regularly organises conferences and bilateral meetings on topical themes of interest to private and public players in the legal, economic and financial spheres. Major figures and experts in such fields participate in these events.


The replies to numerous European Commission public consultations in its areas of expertise.

Owing to its expertise, the Rules for Growth Institute is taking part in the project, along with European Union bodies, seeking to harmonise insolvency law. The Rules for Growth Institute also participated in upstream discussions regarding the Pact law.

We are regularly consulted by French and European public powers.

Finally, acknowledged for its expertise with respect to insolvency law, The Rules for Growth Institute is regularly invited to take part in numerous conferences in France, Europe and the United States:
– on September 15, 2014, in connection with the Annual Conference on Financing and Investing at the Elysee, for a round table led by Mr. Emmanuel Macron;
– on June 7, 2016, at the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (French prudential supervisory authority), in connection with a scientific committee session;
– on February 23, 2016, at the Banque de France (French central bank), for a conference with the foreign homologues of the Banque de France;
– on March 29, 2016 at the International Monetary Fund;
– on July 12, 2016 at the European Commission for a conference on the harmonization of insolvency legal systems in the European Union;
– on December 8, 2016 at the European Central Bank;
– on January 19, 2018 at the French Economics and Finance Ministry
– on April 13, 2018 at France Stratégie